Wednesday, July 10, 2013

The Simplicity and Joy of a Dress

As much as I sometimes grumble about all the little annoyances that seem a part of getting from one place to another in the city, there are many more things that I enjoy. There are always interesting things to see, whether familiar sights that I’ve grown to look forward to seeing or new surprises. Today on the way to work I stopped to read some of the playbills and other material posted up at The Actor’s Temple. I’ve walked by many times thinking that it looked like such a cool place but never actually paused to take a better look. One of the bonuses of getting up early is that I can make little detours on the way to work without risking being late and it definitely keeps the morning “commute" from ever getting dull. One thing I never fail to notice no matter where I’m headed in NYC is all the flower stands, popping up along the sidewalk or of the more permanent kind attached to a store. It’s pretty hard not to notice these pops of color dotting the busy cityscape.
For some reason, the dress I wore today reminds me of fields of flowers…or more accurately, something I’d wear if wandering in fields of flowers. I can picture the subdued lavender color absorbing all the colors and reflecting them back, the perfect “neutral" to allow the other colors to burst out. I’ve had this dress for awhile and tend to style it in a similar way, letting the soft color and raised dots on the dress stand out. Over the years, I’ve experimented by changing the tights, jewelry, cardigan, and/or shoes paired with this dress. It’s a simple dress with a definite vintage vibe. On its own the dress can sort of look a bit like an old nightgown but with the right accessories it can be pretty lovely. It’s also a dress that I seem to wear for every summer occasion, from picnics to outdoor movies to Shakespeare in the park to lunch and shopping dates with friends, to museum visits and more. I love when a dress feels right for a variety of occasions, when a dress is “just" a dress.
Today, I wore grey sheer polka dot tights, pink floral peep-toe kitten heel shoes, an oversized necklace, and some flower post earrings with the dress, giving it a slightly more contemporary look (and giving a nod to that field of flowers). I usually like mixing more patterns and colors into my outfit but sometimes it’s nice to just enjoy the simplicity of a dress….after all, isn’t one of the best things about dresses is that they are complete outfits all on their own?
Outfit Details:

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