Saturday, July 27, 2013

Fete Paradiso...Parisian Carousel Heaven

You’re never too old for a carousel ride especially when the carousels are part of the world’s first festival of vintage French carnival rides. I should also add that carousel rides have an amazing ability to transport one to a dreamy- pillowy-clouds-flowers-everywhere-enchanted-kind-of-place. There's always one second where I kind of forget where I am and can almost imagine the horses and other fantastical creatures leaving the mechanics of the carousel behind them, taking their riders for a whirl in the grasses.....a Mary Poppins kind of moment. 

If I had any doubts about the power of the carousel, I don't anymore. My day started off on the wrong foot.  After waiting to go to Fete Paradiso since July 14, I woke up on the day the visit was planned for with allergies all flared up - sneezing, itchy face, runny eyes....the whole thing. Ended up missing the 10am ferry by 1 minute and then had to wait in line until 11am.  Caught my dress in one of those curved pipes as everyone was jostling to get off the ferry. The pipe literally sucked my dress up as I walked past and it took two of us to yank it it's ripped in two spots. Got stung on the leg as I was crossing the field to where all the rides are. And on the first ride (dragon coaster), I was completely unprepared for how rough and windy it would be...these are children's rides after all.  I definitely flashed a few people as I attempted to hang on with my arms and legs, keep my hat and sunglasses on while attempting to hold my dress down. At the first opportunity to get off that ride, I'm not ashamed to say I was one of those who hurriedly made their way to the exit. And then a carousel ride....and all is suddenly right with the world. Amazing what a little time travelling, nostalgic romp can do.
Fete Paradiso on Governors Island from July 13 - September 29, 2013
Outfit Details:

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