Wednesday, July 10, 2013

La Duca Shoes

It’s no secret that I love shoes…I mean who doesn’t love shoes really? I’m especially partial to colorful pairs, ones that have a bit of sparkle (or a lot), or shoes with some interesting detailing. But even if they are the prettiest pair of shoes in the world, I won’t even consider buying them if they aren’t comfortable. I’d rather not ruin my feet or break something just for the sake of a cute pair of shoes. And why shouldn’t we expect designers to make shoes that are pleasing to the eye and our feet? For years two of my favorite brands have been John Fluevog and Seychelles….both come in a variety of styles and colors, are well made, and I can wear them all day without any discomfort. And for the most part, I have never had a “breaking in" period with either brand. And then I moved to New York and heard about LaDuca and I was really intrigued.
When I walked by their store for the first time, I actually stopped to take in all the amazing shoes in the window…this may not sound like a big deal, but trust me that stopping mid stride in Midtown is not really an easy (or recommended) thing to do. You can tell just by looking at these shoes that they are exquisitely made. I love that the shoes can be purchased in neutral colors in a variety of shapes, or personalized however the client chooses. And it doesn’t hurt that practically everyone on Broadway is wearing these shoes - a testament to how great the quality, fit and design of these shoes is because what theater actor/actress/dancer would put up with shoes that pinch, wobble or don’t flex. And Phil LaDuca, the designer behind these shoes, is (was) a dancer himself so he understands how important it is for shoes to be more than things you put on your feet. (You can read more about the man behind these shoes here).
But you don’t need to be in theater or dance to appreciate LaDuca’s. A pair of LaDuca shoes is definitely at the top of my shoe list, something I plan on investing in at some point. I kind of think these are the pair of shoes you put on and anything is possible….legendary shoes. If you have never heard of these shoes, check them out either in person or online. I happened to walk by today on the way to work and snapped a few quick photos of their windows. Gorgeous unique shoes on clouds of multi-colored flowers and shoes of every shape framed like the works of art they are….Love!

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