Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Rainy Day: Blue Skies Above

I left for work really early this morning hoping to beat the thunder and lightening storms that were supposed to erupt but of course those never happened. I'm getting pretty tired of inaccurate weather forecasts.  Oh well! I enjoyed the early morning walk though and even the steady rain. You would think the air would feel cooler with some rain but it was super humid and I was glad I decided to wear this light weight dress.  To me, rainy mornings are always so much more enjoyable when I have a pair of wellies on; I especially love these cornflower blue ones by Hunter.  I have to admit to twirling my umbrella a little whenever I'm walking in the rain. There's something about walking in the rain with wellies on that makes you feel like a kid again. It doesn't hurt that MoMA's Sky Umbrella has a cheery cloudscape underneath that's perfect for twirling...even on the darkest, stormiest day it's like there's a bright patch of sky right above me.

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